Show Dates: 24 - 26 October 2021

Why Visit

If you buy, sell, manufacture or design blinds, shutters and awnings – then you need to be at the 2021 BBSA Show.

The BBSA Show is the only exhibition in the UK of its kind. Exhibitors come from all over the globe exhibitors from all over globe who showcase blinds, shutters, awnings, motors, soft furnishings and fabrics, software, new and innovative designs and child safe solutions, machinery, components and much more.

The BBSA’s award-winning exhibition will give you the perfect opportunity to discover new and innovative products, be inspired by expert speakers on a range of industry-specific topics and keep up-to-date with the latest trends.

The easily accessible Ricoh Arena has been home to the BBSA Show since 2009. The venue has an on-site restaurant, bar facilities and a Double Tree by Hilton. There are also a number of hotels, B&Bs and eateries close by to suit all tastes and budgets.

This free event only comes around every three years so it’s not to be missed. Make sure you register today.

Register here to book your ticket to visit the only UK blind & shutter show.

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